Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I'm not coming back here to make any promises of updating this very often. The point of this blog has basically become a way to look back. A memory book. A way to keep family members updated on what's going on. So what's the point of reading lots of promises about updating often? (There's none)

Anyways, onto the actual post!

Iced coffee. Needs no other caption.

The Space Needle. The weather has been amazing. We've seen sunlight! But it's really cooling down now...
Took this pic first day of school- though "rainy mood" pretty much summed up how I felt about leaving summer behind.
Apart from school, we've not been doing a ton. We started up a co-op on Monday. I suppose that counts as school, doesn't it? I've also been giving our tablet a workout and drawing a lot. I couldn't help  but make the header of this post a doodle.
That's all for now! XOXO- Sonja

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