Sunday, January 22, 2012

Okay, so I just did one, but I couldn't help it. I have to make up for a couple of weeks. At least that's what I tell myself.
Anyways, how about 10 Things i love this week- Apps Addition.
Here we gooo!

  1. Instagram. I love this app. No way around it!
  2. Camera+ Yes, it's just a plane camera, but it's pics are sooo much better then the normal camera.
  3. Foodily This app is epic. It has so many really good recipes. And very well set up.
  4. Pandora Of course this is on my list! I can listen to the songs I love and discover new songs. It's a win win.
  5. Picframe I use this one a lot. Example A; the header. The Quality doesn't look great right now, but that's because I'm too lazy to download the pic right. ;)
  6. Craftgawker This is simply awesome and really inspirational.
  7. Day One As computer journals go, I think this is a fair contender. I had Wonderful days for a while- made some cool posts with lots of pics etc, but then it crashed, loosing half the stuff. (That sucked!)
  8. I Movie I honestly think this is a better video making thing then what I had on my netbook. it's awesome, basically. 
  9. Netflix. This is an of course! Watching old Downton abbeys on my ipod? Sure thang, bro. :)
  10. Social Apps. Um, yes. These are to be expected. But here you go- I love the twitter app. Facebook is okay. Would like the google +, but no ones on it, the tumblr app sucks, and i don't really like the pintrist one.
And there you have it! Thanks for reading my rather predictable app recommendations.
XOXO -Sona

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