Sunday, January 22, 2012

How's about a 10 Things I love this week. Sorry it took so long!
  1. This headline Yes, it's something I love. Haha. I can't tell if the Seattle Times is being sarcastic (Rain? IN Seattle? No way!) or if they said it wouldn't rain. I don't care. I'll take it as sarcastic :)
  2. Nail Art Goodness, I feel like i'm copying Madison. (She just recommended nail art) But really, that's one of the ways I kept myself entertained during the home confinement. i've done Angry Birds and Pigs, Water marbling, Aztec design, and roses in the last week. 
  3. Cooking Yes, that's very vague. But i've just been working on cooking better- making dinner quite a lot. Made breakfast burrito this morning. 
  4. The Legend of Zelda. Let's just get this out here- I'm a nerd. Mmhmm. ;) Anyways, I've been playing the new legend of Zelda game. Currently I'm fighting an evil freakin scorpion. But I've also been watching my sis play- she's the good one- and she's all the way to the final temple thing.
  5. My wall of pictures I got my dad to put it up in the last week- two cork boards, and magnet strips etc. Gotta post picture later.
  6. My SMASH book I love it. So fun! 
  7. Trying out new makeup techniques. Maybe this doesn't deserve a spot, but I'm going to give it one. It's been fun to mess around a bit more with my makeup. You might not guess this, but I'm a bit serious. I mean, I only write like i'm 30 right? Haha :)
  8. Lady Antebellum Ummm... yes...Country... I don't know what has happened to me, I guess 6 months in Montana will have an effect! I just got the "We Owned the Night Album" and have been listening to it. A lot.
  9. Justin Beiber perfume Yes, I like Justin Bieber. Go ahead and hate! Technically, this could have been in my list from Christmas on, since that's when I got it. But I didn't think to put it in! 
  10. Baking Cupcakes Perhaps this belongs with cooking, but hey, it's different. I love how easy cupcakes are. And fun. And cute. So there you go
Thanks for reading! See you later- XOXO Sonja

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