Bout time for another post, yes? Today was epic- we went and saw the Hinger Games. (Hence the AWESOME title ;) It was actually really good and kept with the book. Confession time- I've read the first book 3 times! And i've read the second and third twice. So that was epic. We went down to Lynnwood to the Lowe's theatre. This was the first movie we've been to there. IT's got a pretty big entrance- with an escalator- and the IMAX was not disappointing. Another thing that made today epic was the weather. 50s and sunny! Dry pavement alert in Seattle, actually. :) So when we got home we just left the windows open to enjoy the weather (okay, just a little chilly for leaving the windows open but whatever) and had quesadillas. We also watched My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. It's crazy! Can't believe the dresses...
Yesterday, after we were done with school we did a major house cleaning. Really shined the place up, ya know? Haha! The week has been pretty uneventful really, just school and cleaning and life. (jeez that sounds almost DEEP)
Also- BIG NEWS. I added some new pizzaz to the blog! New background, basically. Fun stuff!
Alright, I'm gonna go before I make this five pages long ;)
XOXO- Sonja
The IMAX was a nice theater, wasn't it? Though I like the Regal as well. The Regal may even be a nicer theater, don't cha think?